Day 8
Retrospect is a waste.
A big one.
We spend a good portion of our lives imagining what life should be like,
Planning the next few days, months, and years of our dream world,
Creating what we think the world needs more of,
Building our resumes instead of our souls.
Gary Vaynerchuk set aside a portion of his Vlog to really dig into it,
and sums it up simply and elegantly...
"Document, don't create".
Spend your life living passionately,
documenting every step and struggle along the way.
Because social media is only impressed with outcomes,
but we become deeply inspired by the journeys taken to succeed.
Embrace the process, embrace the hustle, and embrace the struggle.
"It's action. It's going. It's doing."
A big one.
We spend a good portion of our lives imagining what life should be like,
Planning the next few days, months, and years of our dream world,
Creating what we think the world needs more of,
Building our resumes instead of our souls.
Gary Vaynerchuk set aside a portion of his Vlog to really dig into it,
and sums it up simply and elegantly...
"Document, don't create".
Spend your life living passionately,
documenting every step and struggle along the way.
Because social media is only impressed with outcomes,
but we become deeply inspired by the journeys taken to succeed.
Embrace the process, embrace the hustle, and embrace the struggle.
"It's action. It's going. It's doing."
Along the same topic,
Jewel Kilchner touches upon this "phenomenon" in her book,
"Never Broken: songs are only half the story".
She struggled throughout her entire childhood and life,
yet she journaled and documented every emotion,
every event, and every memory along the way.
Using these journals, she was able to track herself.
Her thoughts, her patterns, her own strengths and weaknesses.
It was through documentation that she was, years later, able to create herself.
"They gave me a breadcrumb trail back to my most authentic and whole self"
(Jewel on her journals and self reflection)

So my point is that we should embrace the journey, focus on the starting and the doing.
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