Monday, March 6, 2017

A Wrinkle In....Technology?

Day 6

"There are lots of us that have learned to engage in technology and use it to maximize, but there are lots of people that use to technology to disengage, to be harmful to themselves and to other people."
--Tony Robbins

Technology is like a shirt. 
Weird...stick with me here.

Technology is like a shirt.
You can dress it up.
You can dress it down.
You can iron it to look impeccable.
You can let it wrinkle.
You can stain it with food.
You can mask it's dirtiness with cologne or perfume.
You can decorate it with a tie.
You can cut the sleeves off and turn heads.
You can tie it up around your waist to catch eyes.
You can make it a Halloween costume.
You can make it the designated yardwork shirt.
You can model in it.
You can hang it up and never wear it again.


Can't you say the same things about technology?
Technology can be used or abused.
You can tap into this resource and maximize your life.
You can ignore it's existence and let it sit on the shelf, unused.

Either way, technology is what you make of it. 
So pretend you're a super hero...
are you using it for good or for evil?

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