Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Beautiful Rubble

Feeling a ping of regret today.
While in Haiti I kept a journal of all the things I was feeling, seeing, learning, and experiencing.
This morning, while in a burst of unexpected morning motivation, I began trying to find said journal.
Unfortunately, it has disappeared.
Which both breaks my heart,
but is also simultaneously opening my heart to really, truly, and deeply reflect on my memories and experiences. 

Words will never suffice to the things I saw.
The things I heard.
The things I lived through.

But maybe poetry can help me find peace in these memories.

"I make a conscious effort to be a messenger of love,
to everyone I come into contact with."
"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody,
I think that is a much greater hunger,
a much greater poverty than a person who has nothing to eat."

"Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow."

"It is a bittersweet thing,
knowing two cultures.
Once you leave your birthplace,
nothing es ever the same."
"Souls recognize each other by vibes,
not appearance."

"...and then I fell apart,
and it was the most beautiful moment ever,
because right then,
I realized that I can put the pieces back together
the way I wanted them to be."

"It is both a blessing,
and a curse,
to feel everything,
So very deeply."

"Let all that you do,
be done in love."

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